Exploring The World of Marsupials!
What are marsupials? How can we tell if an animal is a marsupial or not? Find out what makes marsupials such special animals by checking out Titiksha's video!
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The Life of a Jelly Fish
Is a jellyfish really a fish? Does a baby jellyfish look like an adult jellyfish? Satisfy your curiosity by checking out this awesome video about the jellyfish life cycle! Learn more by clicking the video above!
Created by: Melissa Singh and Palna Jariwala from START Toronto
Animal Kingdom: The Life of a Frog
Created By: Paula Andrea Toro Vargas from START Toronto Where do frogs live? How do they grow? Find out by watching Paula's video, "The Life of a Frog"!
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Animal Kingdom: Birds!
Created by START York Chapter member Nisha Sivaharan, click the video above to learn more about birds! How do we identify birds? What are some unique parts of a bird? Is there a relationship between beaks and what birds eat?
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What does Hibernation and Brumation Mean?
Some of us may have heard about "hibernation", but how many of us have heard about "brumation"? Discover the ways some animals cope with extreme temperatures. What does being warm-blooded versus cold-blooded have to do with it? Check out this kid-friendly video to find out!
Created by START Toronto volunteer, Bushra Alam.
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Now Where Did The Monarch Butterfly Go?
Created by START Toronto volunteer, Raida Alam! Monarch butterflies can drink nectar from many different flowers. However, without milkweed plants specifically, Monarch butterflies would not be able to survive! Why are these particular plants so important for their survival? Check out this video to find out!
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Animal Kingdom: Parasites
Created by START Toronto Chapter member Humna Siddiqui, click the video above to dive into the spectacular world of parasites!
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